About us
Love Israel is a ministry of the Church Word of Life Vietnam. We believe that the Jewish people are God's people and that every Christian has a responsibility to pray and help them because they play an important role in God's redemptive plan for humanity.

Tour arrangement
Organize tours to Israel and Jerusalem

Organize seminars and meetings about Israel in Vietnam

Training courses
Introduce training courses about Israel and Jerusalem from Christian organizations.

Returning support
Support returning programs for Jews (Aliyah) and other programs (help holocaust victims)

News update
Update information, news about Israel, speech about Israel and Jews
God loves the Jewish people, and gives redemption to all through them
It was through the Jews that Jesus came to this world, and it was because of their refusal [to incite the jealousy of the Jews] that the Gentiles (all other nations) received redemption (Romans 11:11). In other words, God loved the Jews so much that even when they rejected Him, He still devised a plan to save them - by provoking jealousy by saving the Gentiles (Romans 11). : 11).
We also believe in God's promise: "I will bless those who bless you, and curse those who curse you." (Genesis 12: 3). Israel is the people of promise. Always have been, even now or later. Just as parents discipline their children when they behave inappropriately, but they are always children, so the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob punishes them. the things of Israel when they left Him. However, Israel is still the firstborn Son of God, the chosen ones, and His promises to them - including the promise in Genesis 12: 3 - are eternal.

Jesus' return is directly related to the redemption of Israel
For generations, Christians all over the world have foretold about the second coming of Jesus. But what many people don't realize is that Jesus' second coming is directly related to Israel's salvation. He will return as the Lion of the tribe of Judah, as the King of Israel - and He will return only when the children of Israel call, "Blessed be the One who comes in the name of the Lord! ”
That is why the Pastoral Love of the Church of the Word of Life of Vietnam was established with the purpose of connecting every Christian in Vietnam and around the world with a heart of love and help for the Jewish people through specific actions such as: prayer, dedication, help with repatriation programs, organizing Jewish seminars and tours to Israel.